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Monday 18 February 2008

Gone too long...

As many of you know one of my last posts was way back at the beginning of my much prayed for pregnancy. My family and I endured some VERY difficult times. I will not drag you all down by posting what went on but I will say that, our move out west was short lived. It was a very difficult time for us and we decided to come back to our roots and be near family at a time when we needed them most. Despite my very difficult pregnancy I made it through hand have a beautiful month old baby girl name Ruari (Celtic name pronounced Rory). She is a wonderful addition to our family, and brings us the feeling of completion we were desperate for for so long.

I am going to ease back into blogging and things may really change on my blog. The look mostly. I will be designing a new header in the next couple of days. I will not be blogging on a daily basis, but I will blog often again, like I used to. Now that my pregnancy is over and life is getting back to some sort of normalcy I actually feel up to blogging rather than hiding from the world like I have been for a long while. My problem was in the fact that, despite being excited and thrilled about being pregnant and expecting our #2, too many bad things were going on some relating to my pregnancy some relating to our move, leaving me feeling like blogging would just depress my readers and turn them away. I didn't want to feel like a downer or like I had nothing nice to blog about.

Starting now I will close the chapter of my life that contained such sadness and reflect the bliss I now feel after getting past it all and giving birth to my sweet little girl.

I hope many of you will be back to read like you used to.

I promise to add her birth story and some pics from the day she was born.




  1. Anonymous10:13 am

    Dear Coleen: Great to have you back! And the blog is not only for the happy times, but to share the sad/unhappy times, too - we are here for you during all of the times that life has to offer...but I am so glad that you have your little girl and all is right with your world now. Will look forward to a pic of her soon! Happiness, Cathy

  2. I had wondered what has happened to you.

    Congrats on Rauri! Love that name.


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