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Thursday 8 September 2011

New gadget!

I want to introduce you to someone I follow on Twitter @BalanceMyLife and the woman I was tweeting with was Kenda, but the trio of ladies (Kenda, Kelly & Kerry) have got a pretty cool thing going on over at Balance My Life. Two main things I love about the site are; 1, they are Canadian! Yay! and 2, they are not just telling you how to balance your life, they are right there with you doing their best to balance their own lives and sharing there tips, and tricks with you! Plus in addition to that they have specific sections on there site including LIve, Work & Family! But wait! There's more! They also have a section dedicated to Events and one for some amazing contests!

Speaking of contests let me get to my point of this post. About a month ago I clicked to follow them on twitter and at the time they were running a contest to celebrate 2000 followers! I know right? Holy smokes! That's a lot of followers, proving they're clearly doing something that people love. It turned out that I was the 2000th folloer and had won a prize! I was pretty excited to find out the prize was a Kobo e-reader!!

Last year when they first launched I was in line to buy one for my Dad for Father's Day. After my dad was diagnosed with severe carpel tunnel and trigger finger, making it difficult to hold a book, and almost impossible to flip a page. He has always had a strong love of learning through reading so my sister and I decided it would be the perfect gift. But it was so perfect that after I opened it, charged it and set it all up for him it pained me to put it back in the box, wrap it up and give it away! Secretly I wanted one too but one was not in the budget for me.

Now, thanks to these ladies I have one! It's beyond easy! Even getting a book into it is is a breeze. Right now I started out with one book. "The Help by Katherine Stockett. I'm still reading it and really enjoying it. Though now I have a few more lined up for when I finish it!

Wanna see this beautiful gadget?


  1. Im jealous !!

    The Help is an awesome book. Have you seen the movie?

  2. Hey A, nope not yet. Wanted to read it first, but I hear it's wonderful too. Sadly I know who was cast so the characters are not my own creation. Know what I mean? Any other recommendations for me?


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