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Thursday 22 February 2007

Sorry I was gone for a while, I will still be gone but I will return...

Hi everyone, First of all I REALLY have to apologize for leaving things the way I did. Clearly not in a good frame of mind and then not posting at all for nearly a month.

My official appology can be found HERE, you must go and take a look.

I had decided I would take a week to just avoid all commitments and focus on myself. I was doing such a good job for almost the whole week. Then one day out of the blue my husband comes home with a shocking announcement.

He was offered a transfer. Not a move a couple of hours away like the last one (Exactly a year ago.) Oh no... A huge one... Like all the way to the other side of the country. This far. I was asking a zillion questions, "What will you do, is it better pay, will they pay for the move, how soon, do YOU want to, why should I, will we be okay so far away from family. Typical ranting and raving questions that any woman would ask her husband before she slips off the edge of reality. I was so sure it was a joke... He must have been testing my faith in him or something to that effect. For a week I kept asking if he was kidding. He kept saying no but we have to think seriously about it so he can let them know our decision. OK after a week I finally started thinking hard about it. All those hours of tossing and turning and laying there awake finally got put to good use. I came to the decision, that my career has always come first until we made the move here. He has worked so hard to get where he is and to finally get the recognition by being offered this new position is so great for him. I am proud that they want him. (He is a great man and hard worker who really deserves it.)

So like Tammy Wynnette- I am gonna STAND BY MY MAN. <--- go ahead click it you know you want to. We are moving to Edmonton Alberta in 1 months time.

There are a few complications with the transfer stemming from the fact that he is in a non unionized office and will be going to a unionized office. The move will not be paid for up front but he will be compensated for it afterwards. It would cost us over 3500.00 just to rent a truck to take our things, so we have decided to sell everything and re buy when we get there. We don't have a place to call home when we get there yet so I am worried about that. I hate selling my things but I look forward to LOT of shopping.

The bottom line is I have spent the past couple of weeks working on getting things done before the move. And from the bottom of my heart I am sorry I left things hanging. Thank you to EVERYONE who e-mailed me concerned about how I was doing. I love you all tremendously. The nice thing about you all is that you go with me on my new chapter!! (In a manner of speaking.) So pack your cyber bags.

I must get back to worrying, crying all that emotional junk before my guys get home. I may be gone a while but I promise to return.



P.S. The hardest thing will be thinning out my scrap supplies and selling most of it.... Boo hoo...
Any takers?


  1. Yippee! Coleen is back,Coleen is back! I've been coming and checking everyday to see if you updated and lo and behold today I find that you have. I am sorry that you have had so many important decisions weighing you down...I'm glad you have come to one that you are comfortable with. I think it's great you are being so supportive to your hubby! I know he loves you and appreciates you for it and any sacrifices you are going to have to make. Good luck with the moving preparations!

  2. Glad to see you back! Wow, you've had a lot going on. Good luck with the move, sounds like an exciting adventure. All that shopping sounds like so much fun!

  3. WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!!! What a huge change!! But it can also be seen as just an exciting adventure!!!
    I think it's great that you are supporting your husband through all of this! Do you think it will be easy for you to get a new job?
    Good luck, and keep us updated (of course!!)
    (and oh--the apology card was too cute!)

  4. Coleen ... how exciting ... though scary. It is most definately an adventure of a lifetime!!

    Change is good ... I know that for a fact. We lived in our hometown in Florida our entire lives (both my husband and me) and moved to Virginia almost four years ago, knowing no one. We've made a wonderful life for ourselves here, as I know you and your family will wherever this new job takes you.

    I have to tell you, I had a yard sale in August and one of my biggest sellers was my scrapbook stuff! Good luck with selling everything.

  5. Coleen I am so glad your back. i have been everyday checking on you! i am glad to see your feeling better but now your focus has changed! Wo Hoo!! I'm sure once all is said and done that you will be happy with your decision.
    Maybe your career will blow out of the water as well . Edmonton is a very big place and not to mention the Edmonton mall!! Austin is going to love it!
    Shopping my fav. Have fun!
    I am so relieved that your ok.

    If your serious about slimming out your scrapbooking supplies let me know. I can maybe be of some assistance...hehehe!!

    Glad to have you back!

  6. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Oh, I am glad you're okay!

    Well, good luck with the's always nice to get a change of scenery. Wish my DH would get offered a transfer, LOL

    What scrap supplies are we talking?

  7. I'm so glad to see you! As you know, I can totally understand what you're going through. Change is such a HARD thing. I'm so emotionally spent and we haven't even moved yet. Good luck to you and know you have lots of friends who are here for you.

  8. dang it, woman!! screw the couch, ship the scrapping supplies!!

  9. Anonymous9:46 am

    I'm totally here for ya. All the shopping sounds like fun!

  10. Jut checking some blogs and came across yours. Sounds like you will have a great experience. Heck the shopping sounds great by itself. Just reading your blog you won't have any trouble finding friends and having a great time at your new home.

    Take care,

  11. Anonymous12:28 am

    So glad you are back...I have missed ya! How exciting and how scary all at once! Wishing you the best of luck...and keep us posted! Have fun shopping for all that new stuff!


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