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Sunday 20 January 2013

DIY Burger Party Invitations

With Miss Roo's 5th birthday fast approaching it's really time to get cracking on invitations so we discussed a theme and she said "burgers". That left me scratching my head. Seriously??!! What soon to be 5 year old picks that for a theme? What's wrong with Princesses, ponies, Hello Kitty and the likes. Yeah, right, I forgot my girl is anything but typical. We are talking about a girl who wanted reptiles and other disgusting critters for her THIRD birthday.

So how do I make a burger invitation? Her idea was simple.Make a burger and send it to her friends. Does she not understand how the postal service works? That's clearly insane! Or is it? Sometimes with little kids you just have to simplify their thoughts and that's exactly what I did! Why not send her friends a burger in the mail and while we're at it lets make sure it's loaded with the works! All the fixin's, No holding back for her friends!!!

Here is a photo collage of the steps involved. Super easy, though a tad time consuming since Miss Roo insisted on doing a lot of it on her own.

I am a complete control freak when it comes to even planning and if I want it done exactly right I have to do it myself so these were "fun" for me. I had to let go of the reins and let Roo take the lead a bit on this project. Have a look:

So, what do you think? 

Do you make your kids party invitations or do you prefer to buy them? We'd love to hear your thoughts?

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