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Friday 2 November 2012


Last Christmas I was given a gift by a woman I don't know terribly well, though I wish that wasn't the case. Despite that fact she seemed to know just what would easy my troubles at a time I was very low. For no other reason that pure unselfish kindness, she and her familysent my family a gift filled with many comforts. We appreciated them more than I could have expressed. When we opened the items I actually wept. It was if this woman had been living in my brain. For me the stand out item was a beautiful pink embossed journal and a pen with gorgeous smooth pink ink. I still had cancer and was experiencing a great deal of physical pain. While I've been blogging for many years I had never really taken pen to paper in that way before. I was certain that I would never journal since I blog, but I quickly came to realize that while suffering insomnia, that journal became my new best friend. Instead of going to bed with a brain full of worries, I was taking some time to disconnect from everything electronic and just write out what was troubling me. The deep stuff. Things most likely to not make it to my blog. I also began using it as a way to record my daily successes and goals for the next day even if they were as small as pushing myself to leave my house.

This gift has become my lifeline. As I draw near the end of the blank pages, their predecessors having been filled by my nightly unloads, I know I can't let this end. I'm begining to feel a  sense of loss knowing that this one is coming to an end. So I will be out looking for a journal for when this one is finally finished. This one gift has given me something no other gift has. Release. Release from stress, and release from a life of insomnia. I can't claim that I don't experience those things on occassion still, but the first week after I began journalling, I could see an immediate shift.

To you, the giver of this gift, I hope you realize your kindness changed me. I thank you for that.

Has technology made journalling a dying art?

Have you even given or received a gift that made a difference?



  1. I love journaling. I am currently starting one which I should say thanks for the reminder because I wrote a pregnancy journal with my first born but I haven't started my 2nd one for the twins!

  2. I haven't used a journal in years....probably just after high school ended. You may be correct about technology being the end of it

  3. What a nice post. Journaling is something I struggle with! I love collecting beautiful books for 'one day' and end up gifting them. I'm happy you were given such a nice gift and used it :)

  4. I used to always keep a journal...I need to start one again :)

  5. I love writing out my thoughts over just typing them out. Have tons of different books lying about the house for when inspiration strikes, lol. That was such a fabulous gift you received! You can get similarly bound ones at indigo/chapters if you're looking to start your own volume collection. :)

  6. Gorgeous, I used to keep a journal. Until the online ones came out. I do however still enjoy it. :) Beautiful book by the way!

  7. How kind. I'm glad that you enjoyed the journal. I too love to write with a paper and pen. Something about it. Although I like the ability to hit "delete".

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo
    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com


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