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Tuesday 27 November 2012

Elf On The Shelf

I'd like you to meet Ziffie. Ziffie is the elf that graced our home though the holiday season last year. He was not the scary elf that watched over my children waiting for them to do wrong so he could rush back to Santa to rat on them. I'm of the belief that this is a mean way to introduce the elf on the shelf to my youngest. I didn't want her to be afraid and I didn't want to use hm as a weapon against her for being a little girl. She's rarely "bad", but frequently mischievous. Sometimes her listening skill leave much to be desired but for the most part she is very well behaved little girl.

We wanted her to experience the fin side of the Elf that people are going nuts over. The joy of getting up each morning to search the house for him. We wanted the squeals of delight as she finds him in the middle of some silly, parent created elf shenanigans. For us that was as exciting for us as it was for her. Sometimes we'd spend ages dreaming up a scenario to place him in and other times it was a rushed together idea. Regardless of the time spent on each days tableau was always enjoyed by our little girl.

Our 15 year old also found it moderately entertaining. He even helped out with some of the more modern ideas. Thanks to Aussie, Ziffie has a facebook page complete with photos of his antics.

This year we look forward to his arrival and are still working on a clever way for him to arrive. Once we have it all planned out and done I'll share it with you. In the mean time I'll leave you with some photos from some of last years Elf adventures in our house.




Well those are a few Ziffie's adventures at our house. I'll be doing a weekly recap of his adventures this year as well so pop back in to see them!
Do you have an elf on the shelf?
What's the craziest thing you've seen an elf do?



  1. I have to admit I find the whole idea a little creepy. I had never heard of this Elf on the Shelf thing until recently and now it's everywhere. Your approach to it definitely seems more sensible, especially for young kids.

    1. Yes, I agree! The idea of "I'm watching you" is very creepy and we knew it would not be a good way to introduce our elf to our daughter. We just enjoy the fun aspect of it with her.

  2. I love the snow elf in the flour!
    I am so curious about what the heck this thing is that I might get one next year! Great post.

  3. I have heard of Elf on the Shelf but have never done it. I'll have to give it a try, I'll bet my boys would love it!

  4. I think my girls would love this, I've been pinning ideas already LOL

  5. Anonymous8:27 pm

    I first heard of this last year when I started following a different blog. I had to go and get one and I did. This will be our first year using it. Looking forward to it!

  6. cute ideas...still not sure how I feel about elf on a shelf....we don't have one though

  7. Just an update, Evangeline joined our home and has been having some fun adventures. The first day she must have been tired because she was napping in the couch....took everything for the girls not to touch her LOL.

  8. This is such a cute and fun idea! I don't have an elf on the shelf but I think I'll be getting one. Love this!

  9. My oldest daughter asked me to get an Elf on the Shelf. We don't have one yet, but I think I am going to have to break down and get one:)

  10. I love love love this. I did a lot of giggling.

  11. Anonymous7:56 pm

    I love hearing about everyone's take and experiences with the Elf on the Shelf. I have been contemplating getting one. I'm just hesitant because I'm not sure my 1.5 and 3 year old would understand and appreciate the concept just yet. It seems like so much fun for the whole family!

  12. LOL absolutely love this!! I want to do one so bad! :) So great for the kids too :)


Thanks for a taking a moment to let me know your thoughts! I love comments!

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