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Saturday 28 October 2006

And the winner is........

Due to Blogger having a ton of outages lately I was not able to post the winner yesterday. However I have randomly drawn a name out of a hat. I typed each persons "name" on a slip of paper and had my son pull one out. It was, of course, randomly selected from all of the people who offered suggestions.

I had to change the prize because it was to large to ship safely so I went a different route. Should see they tell me in the next month or so. Let me know when you see it Colleen. So I don;t have to worry!


  1. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Yippee! Am I glad I check your blog regularly, Coleen! I'll em my addie to you! Thanks soo much!

  2. Congratulations Colleen E...and that was very sweet of you, Coleen!


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