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Monday 2 October 2006

To sleep or not to sleep...

Here I am still in front of the computer after a few hours. I swore I would head to bed at 11:00. I lied to myself... I got so engrossed in some of the blogs I read and found a new one that I added to my list. I feel as if there are never enough hours in the day to get things done and take some time for myself. Normally the "stuff for me" gets put off because I run out of time. Tonight I heard the clocking ticking away and I decided to ignore it. At least the sound of my maternal clock takes precedence these days. Tomorrow Chris (hubby) will ask: "What time did you make it to bed?" I of course will tell him: "Oh after you" and then laugh. I am gonna suffer for it tomorrow though. I did however find a cool piece of furniture perfect for storing paper and other scraptastic goodies. Okay, I really must get some sleep. Nighty night....

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