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Tuesday 3 October 2006

Who's the proudest mom in the world? Meee!

Okay, so in a previous post, I mentioned that we (hubby-Chris, son- Austin and I) moved to this cute little town from Toronto. One BIG HUGE reason for moving was Austin's education. We were really unhappy with his grades for grade 2 & 3. He was coming home so upset, completely frustrated and emotionally drained, every day. We forced the issue to go before a committee of experts who decide based on what we (the parents) and the teachers say, they weigh the facts and decide if testing for a learning disability (LD) is required. We won the battle and he was tested over a 3 month period. Once he was diagnosed with a processing LD we thought it was going to get better however the school and the Peel Board of education did very little to work with us to resolve the problem and we met road blocks at every one of our attempts to get involved. We have now been here in this new school system since February and the school has so much support in place and thanks to a lot of extra effort Austin is putting in, he is doing much better. He has more confidence and is happier these days. The proof is in the test above and in the smile he has every day after school. My son doesn't hate school anymore.
I am THE proudest mom in the world!!!

Drop a comment for Austin to let him know you saw his test!


  1. Anonymous9:38 pm

    Hey Austin

    Great job on getting an A+ today on your french test.

    I am very proud of you.

    Woo Hooo!!!

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Anonymous10:08 pm

    Wow Austin! You rock soooo much!!! I knew you could do it! Keep up the fantastic effort and exceptional work! I am the proudest Auntie in the world.
    Auntie Shanny

  3. Anonymous10:18 pm

    Way to goooo, Mon Cher Austin! I am sooo proud of you Austin! That is amazing work and the fun part is that I got to understand all of it too! Bet you didn't realise that I can speak French too. We will have to have a french conversational evening sometime! We can both get to practise together! I love you!

  4. Anonymous12:14 am

    Hi Austin, c'est bon!!!! I hope my french is correct? I'll have to have you check out my french to see if I'm right.
    A+, keep it up.

    Take care
    Walter (your mom's friend) from out west where we know no french

  5. Anonymous7:17 am

    Wow! I'll be emailing you our horror story soon.

    Way to go Austin!! That's awesome.

  6. Anonymous9:25 am

    Wahoo Austin!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog, love it that we both have Austin's! Hope you see you in at the SB store sometime!!

  7. Anonymous12:51 pm

    tres bien, Austin. Keep up the good work.

    It is really good to know two languages, and french is the second most used language in the western world. It will help you get a really good job someday.

    This message is coming from British Columbia from your Grandpa's sister.

  8. Anonymous5:30 pm

    I'm so proud of you Austin!!!!! Great job.


  9. Yay for Austin!


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