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Wednesday 6 December 2006

*EDITED* Oh so yummy!

*Edited original post to add picture now that Blogger is functioning again.*

I found the sweetest tote ever! It is a buttery looking faux leather, and comes in green black and yes PINK! I totally love it. I was all excited about it (since I need a new tote.) but I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up. It is not sold in Canada. I first found it online at Costco. So of course I skipped right over to . Not there, so I did a bit of research and can't find it here at all. Anyway. Maybe Santa will think I am such a good wife/mother/chauffeur/chef/scrap goddess/decorator/maid/laundry doer/grocery shopper... (grasping at straws here...) Well you get the idea. Here's crossing my fingers it makes it to Canada 'cause I am head over heals in love with this bag. And without further ado here it is in all it glorious pinkness (wait is that even a word??)

TA DA!!!!
Sorry.. Blogger had prevented me from attaching the photo earlier. Baaad Blogger.... I guess I should ask Santa for a Typepad account.
Thanks for looking!



  1. Pinkness sounds like a word I would use. I LOVE pink! I hope it finds it's way to Canada and under your tree this year.

  2. i love anything pink...


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